Monday, February 9, 2009

Bottling Family, Fresh Air & Smoothies

Opening the windows in our homes can certainly give our spirits a lift, which, to me, is a great indicator that we were designed to be outdoors more than in. But, when we can't be out in the fresh air, open those windows whenever possible. What a nice way to clean any stale air lingering in both our house-homes and body-homes!

On Saturday, after my husband and son headed outdoors to do some yard work, I opened the windows in the house and immediately felt a fresh-air kind of joy. With a happy heart, I decided to get a few Green Smoothies ready for my husband for when he returned indoors ,
and I made a banana/flaxseed smoothie for my son who was ready to drink one sooner than later.
"Always buy flaxseeds whole rather than ground, because the delicate oil in powdered flaxseeds can go rancid fairly quickly. Flaxseeds are rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids," writes my dear friend, Angela Elliott, in her handy dandy little book, Alive in 5: Raw Gourmet Meals in Five Minutes.

In Family, Fresh Air & Smoothies,


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