Monday, August 2, 2010

Bottling Day 2 of Garden of Life's RAW Cleanse

Perhaps you read about the probiotic mouth-swishing part of Garden of Life's RAW Cleanse in my yesterday's blog entry. After the 45-second swishing and just prior to yesterday's breakfast -- a freshly made green apple and lemon juice, I took three of the Organ Detox capsules that are designed to naturally detoxify the organs and GI Tract. Then, I took the remaining three capsules for the day with lunch, which was a blueberry, banana, Maca smoothie.

"Organ Detox is the second step in the RAW Cleanse experience, supporting normal removal of environmental toxins and pollutants from the body, as well as internally generated waste by-products.....This antioxidant, enzyme and amino acid rich formula supports healthy liver biotransformation and excretion of environmental toxins (and their metabolites) normally introduced into the body in small amounts." ~Garden of Life®
After taking the final three capsules at lunch, the next RAW Cleanse step wasn't until about an hour before bed. While that stage is my least favorite part of the cleanse, it's oh so good for the body, because it's the Digestion & Elimination stage. The only reason I say it's my least favorite part is because of the taste of the green powder that needs to be mixed with water or a low-sweet juice. HOWEVER, thanks to Charlie's tip to hold my nose and chug, well, there's no taste at all until I let go of my nose. Then, I just quickly grab some water to wash away that final taste. (Hmmh, maybe Garden of Life can turn this powder into capsules. I think I will suggest this to them. :-)) In any event, the result of this daily stage of the cleanse is well worth the not-so-good taste, because it's nothing like starting the day with a great release of toxins. :-) It really helps set the tone for the day, because the fresher and lighter the body feels, well, the fresher and lighter the day.

For instance, it's still early this husband and son are still asleep...and already I've done my probiotic swishing, had some wonderfully cleansing quiet prayer time with prayers from, done a bit of yoga (including my favorite headstand to refresh the brain), written a thank-you note inside of a card and delivered it to an associate, worked on an idea for The Vegetarian Muse, did some produce shopping and have unpacked the mangoes, avocados, papaya, cucumber, coconut, kiwi, strawberries and bananas I purchased. I know my son will awake asking for his favorite strawberry, banana smoothie, so now I'm prepared. Plus, yesterday, we had the sweetest mango we've ever tasted, and I'm thinking he's going to want that today, too, since he says he's upping his raw eating today. At 14, he's well aware of when his body needs a bit of cleansing, so he takes some all-raw or mostly raw days here and there. I wish he'd take more of 'em, but I'm happy and proud of his conscious efforts.

Okay, folks, I still need to take the first three Organ Detox capsules for the day with breakfast. So, off I go to do that. What's for breakfast? Cucumber, green apple, lemon juice.

Talk to you tomorrow!

Happy Cleansing,


Photo: Me pictured for Life's Journey Yoga & Wellness


  1. I loved reading this babe!!!!! I didn't see this until now!!!! LOL-I do the same thing-I hold my nose and chug....I do it w/ GOL's reg. perfect food. The raw org. PF tastes much better. I did GOl's regular perfect cleanse 2 or 3 times.....can't wait to try their new raw cleanse♥. Thanx for sharing your raw cleanse story♥♥♥


  2. Happy you enjoyed reading, my dear! Thanks, as always, for doing so! Glad Charlie reminded me about the holding nose part. That helped...a lot! :-)

    I find if I mix GOL's Perfect Raw Food with a good smoothie, I can enjoy it. :-) The other day, I mixed it with my blueberry smoothie that I blogged about, and it was fine! :-)

    Well, enjoy the cleanse when you do it again!:-)

    Hugs back!


